Are you aware of the differences between your conscious and subconscious mind? Sigmund Freud talked about the analogy of the iceberg in the sea. He famously said, “The mind is like an iceberg; it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.” His theory was that the mind has three parts: a) the conscious (above water), which runs 10% of our life, b) the preconscious (just below the waterline), and c) the subconscious/unconscious (way below the waterline) which runs 90% of our life, yet we may not even know what the subconscious believes, being so profoundly entrenched below the surface.
Conscious Mind
This part contains thoughts, memories, feelings, and desires we are aware of at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. The conscious mind includes our memory, which can be retrieved quickly and brought into awareness.
Preconscious Mind
This consists of anything that could be easily brought into the conscious mind, such as forgetting to grab cheese during a grocery trip until you see the cheese section.
Unconscious (or Subconscious) Mind
This is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories outside our conscious awareness. The subconscious is formed in childhood through repetitive words, actions, and feelings. It is formed from what our parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, spiritual leaders, etc., said to each other or us or about us that became ingrained in our deepest level of mind.
Most of the contents of the subconscious are unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, fear, anxiety, or conflict. Many subconscious beliefs have a negative impact on our physical and mental health and our lives in general. The subconscious kicks in with ‘knee-jerk’ reactions impacting our relationships, career and financial status. Most importantly, our negative subconscious beliefs about ourselves being not good enough, unworthy, unintelligent, not lovable, etc., if not reprogrammed, dictate the rest of our lives.
How does the subconscious affect our health?
In the past, we have been taught that living beings are machines run by biochemicals and DNA. Now, world-renowned cellular biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton explains that our entire biology is shaped by the intelligence of each of our 50 trillion cells and that the single most important way to influence them is through the energy of our beliefs.
American billionaire investor Ray Dalio says, “As with animals, many of our decision-making drivers are below the surface. An animal doesn’t ‘decide’ to fly or hunt or sleep or fight in the way that we go about making many of our own choices of what to do—it simply follows the instructions that come from the subconscious parts of its brain. These same sorts of instructions come to us from the same parts of our brains, sometimes for good evolutionary reasons and sometimes to our detriment. Our subconscious fears and desires drive our motivations and actions through emotions such as love, fear, and inspiration. It’s physiological. Love, for example, is a cocktail of chemicals (such as oxytocin) secreted by the pituitary gland… I also came to understand that while some subconscious parts of our brains are dangerously animalistic, others are smarter and quicker than our conscious minds. Our greatest moments of inspiration often ‘pop’ up from our subconscious. We experience these creative breakthroughs when we are relaxed and not trying to access the part of the brain in which they reside, which is generally the neocortex. When you say, “I just thought of something,” you noticed your subconscious mind telling your conscious mind something. With training, it’s possible to open this stream of communication.”
Many people only see the conscious mind and are not aware of the benefits of connecting it to the subconscious. They believe that accomplishing more is cramming more into the conscious mind and making it work harder, but this is often counterproductive. While it may seem counterintuitive, clearing your head can be the best way to progress.
What is Psych-K?
PSYCH-K® (Psychological Kinesiology) uses our mind/body connection to realign limiting belief systems. Specific physical (kinesthetic) processes called ‘Balances’ are applied to facilitate the replacement of harmful or limiting belief systems with positive/life-affirming beliefs relative to one’s goals and quality of life.
What happens in a Psych-K session?
By using a specialized process of Applied Kinesiology specific to PSYCH-K®, subconscious beliefs are tested using the same theory as polygraph testing. Statements that are believed to be authentic and positive will test strong in the muscles based on the electrical signals sent from the brain to the muscles. Statements that are believed to be false or negative will yield a weak electronic signal resulting in weakened muscle states.
An example of a belief system that is commonly tested is “I love myself unconditionally.” Sadly, many people do not, in their subconscious, believe this, causing their muscle strength to test weak to this statement. Through kinesthetic processes used in conjunction with this statement, people can transform their internal beliefs into ones of positive expectation.
How does Psych-K improve a person’s life?
One of the major functions of the subconscious mind is to create congruence between what it believes to be true internally and the external world. After using PSYCH-K®, clients are again muscle-tested to see if the belief has been accepted, in which case they test strongly to the new belief statement. From there, the subconscious mind works effortlessly to manifest the benefits of the new belief system.
Is this technique scientifically proven?
The science behind this effective technique is based on right brain/left brain theory and has gained the attention of prominent Neurologists and Psychologists. EEG’s taken before and after PSYCH-K® procedures revealed an actual change in the synaptic passageways of the brain, suggesting that the channel and flow of habitual thought patterns, also known as ‘belief systems’ had been changed at a neurological level providing verifiable physical evidence of the instant changes available through PSYCH-K®.
If you find that your life is not going smoothly, you are not happy, relaxed or at peace; this is a sign that your subconscious mind may need help. The beauty of Psych-K is you do not talk about your past trauma. Instead, you simply go right into the session and have the negative impact of that trauma removed and replaced with positive beliefs and perceptions. It is very comfortable and relaxing as you are lying on the treatment table during the entire session.